Save Palestinian children

Palestine website bar plugin documentation

JavaScript Plugin

The plugin displays a website bar for the support and donation raising for Palestine. Like the one on top if this page or a popup like the one on the corner of this page.

Usage Instructions

Download the JavaScript file then include it in your HTML and the bar will appear automatically:

<script src="palestine-bar.js"></script>

You can customize the content and the appearance of the bar by using one or more the following parameters:

Like in the following example:

<script src="palestine-bar.js" data-text="أنقذوا أطفال فلسطين" data-button-text="تبرع الان" data-bar-mode="header" data-bg-color="#000" data-button-color="#ED2E38" data-text-color="#fff" data-donation-link="..." ></script>

If you wish to further customize the bar using css, use the following classes: palestine-bar, palestine-bar-flag, palestine-bar-text, palestine-bar-button

WordPress Plugin

The wordpress plugin is a wrapper for the javascript plugin. It even provides a settings page in the wordpress dashboard to facilitate the customization of the palestine website bar.


  1. Download the plugin ZIP file:
  2. Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
  3. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  4. Click the Upload Plugin button.
  5. Choose the ZIP file and click Install Now.
  6. Activate the plugin after installation.

Once activated the bar will be displayed automatically.

To cutomize the bar:

  • Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
  • Go to Settings > PalestineBar.
  • Plugin installation:

    Installation Installation

    The settings page:

    The settings page